Find out about Pinnacle Credit Solutions credit restoration for entrepreneurs and small business owners to get the small business funding they need to grow their business.
What is Credit Restoration?
Credit restoration is the process of addressing and removing questionable negative items that are affecting your credit profile. According to the FTC, 20% of all Americans have unfair negative or incorrect issues negatively impacting their credit score. Many of these people aren’t even aware of it.
Millions of these negatively impacted Americans include entrepreneurs and small business owners trying to access funding for their business to reach their business goals. These same small businesses provide much-needed tax revenue and jobs within their local communities across the United States.
With years of experience providing funding to small businesses and entrepreneurs around the United States, Pinnacle Credit Solutions is applying this expertise to the credit restoration process to help small businesses get the funding they need to grow their business to the next level.
Why Pinnacle Credit Solutions?
Starting years ago providing funding for entrepreneurs and small business owners to reach their business goals, we found that many of our clients had questionable negative and incorrect items on their credit reports through no fault of their own. Many were not even aware of this and were often denied access to the funding they sought.
The clients who were negatively impacted through no fault of their own began asking us to understand what was going on. We applied our expertise from underwriting business loans to help our clients understand the credit restoration process and how to navigate it to get the business funding they sought.
Many of these clients went about restoring their credit themselves, not understanding their rights, those of the credit bureaus, and the law.
For some, the process did not end well. Some of our other clients sought out the assistance of credit restoration companies. While some were met with success, others had difficulty obtaining funding for their business for several reasons. Many of these clients came back asking us to not only assist them with restoring their credit but also to secure the financing of their business. Pinnacle Credit Solutions came about as a result of our clients' request for our assistance in restoring their credit to get funding for their business.
While we have the expertise to only clear up incorrect and questionable negative items on your credit report, our focus is credit restoration that facilitates a seamless business credit application process.
If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner with questionable negative and incorrect items on your credit restoration that prevents you from getting funding for your business, we may be able to help. We understand the credit restoration and business funding underwriting process.
What our clients say
Credit bureaus for the most consider a good credit score to be anything above 650.
Credit bureaus generally consider anything below 580 to be bad.
The main range of credit scores is between 300 and 850.
A credit bureau is a company that collects information relating to your spending behavior and makes this information available to lending institutions and credit card companies.
There are three credit bureaus each with their own algorithm to score your credit information. However, your FICO score is used in about 90% of all credit scores.
There are many paid services that will provide you with a credit score.
No, your credit score is just one component of your credit report. Your credit report includes your trade lines, identifying information, credit history, public records, credit inquiries, collection, and other late payment information.
There are five components making up your credit score-your credit usage, payment history, credit mix, credit age, and recent credit. The most important factor is your payment history, which can be directly influenced by credit repair.
Your credit report contains information such as your identifying information, credit limits, trade lines, account names, credit history, credit inquiries, collections, late payment information, public records, and your credit score.