Pinnacle Credit Solutions, born from helping entrepreneurs and small business owners meet their business goals
The team at Pinnacle Credit Solutions started in the business several years ago, helping entrepreneurs and small business owners secure the funding they needed to take their business to the next level. Many of the entrepreneurs and business owners we were working with had credit irregularities and inaccuracies that left them surprised.
It turns out that the FTC has studied credit reporting errors and found that they affected 20% of reports analyzed. They further found that 5% of consumers had errors on their credit was significant enough to change the likelihood of receiving credit or the terms of credit received. We found similar statistics amongst a group of clients we were working with.
With many years of experience working with credit from a business lending perspective, we knew the credit reporting process. As a value-added service to our clients, we taught them about the credit reporting process and taught them how to clear up the errors and inaccuracies on their credit reports. Once they cleared up their credit, many of these same clients would return to complete the business credit application process that they started with us months before.
Over time, many of these same clients would return to take out subsequent business loans with us. They would also recommend us to their friends, family, and acquaintances. While it was for the business loans that brought them in the door the first time, it was for our knowledge and understanding of the credit reporting process that kept them coming back and referring us to others. It was then that we realized we were onto something.
While many credit restoration companies focus on consumers, we focus on clearing up credit mistakes and inaccuracies for entrepreneurs and small business owners wanting to secure business funding to grow their business.